I’m David A Hughes and for over 40 years I’ve read many, many books, attended many seminars and trained with some amazing people who have convinced me that a good speaker can be a charismatic speaker with knowledge, skill and practice, practice and practice. I enjoy the experience of connecting with the world through speaking, listening, learning and leading workshops designed to give you the public speaking edge. I speak; conduct workshops, tell stories and consult to individuals, groups, and companies Australia wide. I also write human interest stories, and I join, engage with, and reach out to people of all ages, who share my passion for knowledge, connection and insights into the human condition. Starting today you can Learn, Practice and become the Speaker and presenter you've always wanted to be. Finding my Way to my purpose When I was a boy I wanted to be a famous singer, and at 14 years old as a boy soprano I had the opportunity to singfor the Lord Mayor and dignitaries of Chester,UK. I remember it like it was yesterday. At centre stage, flanked by St. Bede’s Choir and resplendent in white shirt, grey flannel long pants, red & gold tie, highly polished black shoes, and staring out at the assembled throng, I knew this was my special day. Mrs. Jones our choir mistress played the first few bars and I began. “Silent night, Holy night, All is calm, All is bright”… My mum was in tears, and my dad’s beaming smile, was proof positive that their son, me, had the voice of an angel. And why not, I am Welsh and everyone knows that “to be born welsh is to be born privileged, not with a silver spoon in your mouth, but music in your blood, and poetry in your soul”. I loved it, and knew I would go on to be the best singer in Wales, and then… at 15, my voice broke, and the singing angel sang no more. I was devastated, and no amount of consoling from well meaning friends and family helped to lift my spirits. So, I became a bit of a recluse and shy with it. I stayed inside a lot reading books, and lots of them. Adventure stories, historical novels, fables, biographies, text books, and little books on card tricks. Occasionally, I would let others know what I was reading, and tell them what I’d learned. Friends really seemed to like my story telling, and asked often for me to read to them. Treasure Island was a particular favourite for them. I was a good reader, and I could take in information as if I had a photographic memory. Sometimes I’d perform card tricks, and make animals with handkerchiefs, and do memory tricks which fascinated my friends, yet all the time I grieved over not being able to sing… until years later when I realised I had other talents that others wanted me to share. In 1986 I started a journey to speaking and presentation excellence. Since that time many people have asked me to teach them my secrets and many other tips and techniques to achieve confidence, effective communication, and charismatic credibility. Truth is, there are no secrets, just education, knowledge, recall & above all practice with purpose. The more we practice remembering new information the easier it is to apply it. Practice makes perfect. "When you position yourself for success, success will position you"
Toastmasters – My journey
Imagine a time when you are asked to say a few words. Thinking about it, you decline the invitation. Why? Speaking and Presenting has it’s benefits, and if you can do it well, you’ll be surprised at how different your life will be.
You don’t have to be a good speaker and presenter to start, yet you do have to start to become a good speaker and presenter. So, why not start today.
As A Toastmaster for over 19 years I have listened, learned and practiced public speaking and Leadership. Spending time with like minded people at home and abroad, I’ve served my community with speeches and presentations, and continue to hone my skill set on a daily basis, by observing the best.
Public Speaking is an art which I’ve learned over time. Joining Toastmasters was a huge help, and listening to those I considered to be the best speakers, inspired me to practice, practice and practice more, until I felt confident enough to believe I could match some of my heroes.
Writing speeches and remembering them was difficult at first; then I read books on memory and even wrote one of my own. Memory Magic, the EBook is the result and you can get copy at the giveaway discount price of $3.89 by visiting
How Do you fill every seat in a venue? after meeting the 2014 World Champion of Public Speaking – Dananjaya Hettiarachchi – at the toastmasters International Convention held at KLCC in Kuala Lumpur,and telling him to ‘Leave it with me’, I organised for him to come to Australia and delight a Toastmasters Audience with his 2 Hour Presentation.
I’d never organised such an event before, yet I did it. It was a wonderful night and one I and the whole audience will never forget.
Take a look at the Master Presenters Winning Speech ‘I See Something’, it is life changing.