A Wonderful Week

There is nothing as nice as waking to the sunshine, hugging my lovely wife, sipping on a cup of coffee and sitting on the balcony with Nessa our faithful canine sitting at my feet. Here as greet the day with a backdrop of birds tweeting, and neighbours waving hi, I know I’m going to have another wonderful week.

It seems like ages since I wrote on my blog and yet it is only a few days. Much has happened and with my carpentry work adding beauty to the entrance to our home; shopping days and lovely lunches with Nancy; visits to friends in the City and around the world via social media, and attendance at Toastmasters, as well as fun family times, I’ve been as busy as ever.

I’ve had good news too, that the surgery on my eyes which I’ve been waiting for is now scheduled for 27th February, and I’ll be able to see much more clearly after that. The only drawback is that I may have to wear a patch over my right eye for the Contests I’m in on 28th Feb. Though that would probably entail re-writing my speech and borrowing a parrot and a wooden leg to appear as a favourite hero from Treasure Island. Perhaps not!

February has started with a bang and the next three weeks promise lots of excitement as I attend, Voice Training tomorrow, TLI/CoT on Saturday, and compete against the best in Division in the Table Topics Speech & International Speech Contests on Saturday Week.

I really do lead an idyllic and fortunate life.