Music to my Ears

Everything that was is, and everything that is will be recycled, or so I’ve come to believe. It’s certainly true of music. Today I was trawling through my Vinyl Album collection, looking for mood music, while I slaved away over paperwork.

I chose four albums that I used to play over and over, and yet haven’t listened to for years until today. The four albums were: “Top of the Pops” by Hallmark recorded in England in 1972 which cost me 99c, new from Coles here in Australia, in 1975 almost 40 years ago. Metal Guru, Rocket Man and Tumbling Dice, invoked such sweet Memories.

The next album I played was: O. C. Smith’s “Hickory Holler Revisited” and Long Black Limousine reminded me of a time I rode in one.

Next I played ‘Fleetwood Mac” a Reprise Album from Warner Bros 1975. ‘Rhiannon’ with Stevie Nick’s vocals is very soothing, and finally I played:

Rhos Male Voice Choir “God Bless The Prince of Wales”, on the Golden Guinea Collector Series – 1968, which is so totally different to the first three albums, yet ‘Hebrew Slaves’ from ‘Nabucco’ is hauntingly beautiful.

Incredibly I worked for a solid four hours enjoying myself immensely and achieving all that I set out to do today in my office.

I know I could have listened to much of this music on my Ipod, though I wouldn’t have enjoyed the tactile pleasure of actually slipping the album out of it’s sleeve, placing it on the turntable and marvelling at how a simple needle can pick up sound from a piece of black plastic.

Everything old was new again; Well for four hours it was.