If you can say it you can sing it

A-051  A-078 A-061

Whilst speaking to my web developer and other associates, it was suggested I should seriously consider podcasts, a jingle and a monthly newsletter. It is good advice and I’m feverishly working at it.

The Newsletter is taking shape, I’m writing the scripts for my podcasts, and a jingle is in production.

Consider these words which I penned and can apply to all who fear speaking in public, as they applied to me when I first started on the quest to find my talent as a speaker and communications coach.

If your head is spinning/at the thought of you speaking/in front of an audience now/
and your heart is racing/and you can’t stop pacing/then let me show you how/
to control your breathing/stop your heart heaving and/ let you become all the rage/
with a takeaway message/that they will remember/long after/you leave the stage. ©

Let David A Hughes from I Can Do Words help you become the confident speaker you want to be.

Jerry Seinfeld said ‘That at a funeral, most people would rather be in the the casket, than have to give the eulogy’ which sounds ridiculous, yet Glossophobia – A fear of public speaking, is very real for many. Yet it doesn’t need to be so.

Overcoming Glossophobia, is a matter of confidence, and that can be learned.




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