His handwriting was the finest I’ve seen. His general knowledge was immense. His sense of humour made us all laugh and when at Christmas he held a cigar, made the ‘V’ for victory sign and recited Churchill’s Speeches he enthralled us all.
An all round sportsman and a man who played Chess by correspondence, my Dad was an avid reader, a superb writer and story-teller.
His Welsh upbringing gave him a set of values and principles that were admired by many in the community. He was a hard worker who passed on his love of life to me and four my siblings.
When I migrated to Australia in 1973, I know he was disappointed and I regret that. I wish I could have spent much more time with him especially in his later years, but it was not to be. He passed away on 8th November 1999 aged 86.
Now, today especially, on what would have been his Birthday, He is with me in spirit and I remember him fondly and miss him terribly.
Happy Birthday Dad, you were the best.